Aye Rasool E Amin Tujh Sa Koi Nahi

Aye Rasool E Amin Tujh Sa Koi Nahi Mp3 Download. Aye Rasool E Amin Tujh Sa Koi Nahi Naat Lyrics.

Aye Rasool E Amin Tujh Sa Koi Nahi Lyrics

Aye Rasool-e-Ameen khatamal morsalin
tujhsa koi nahein tujhsa koi nahein

hye aqeeda ye apna basid ko yaqeen,
tujhsa koi nahein tujhsa koi nahein

bazm e qunain pehle sajai gai
phir teri zaat manzar pe lai gai

syed ul awaleen syed ul akhereen
tujhsa koi nahein tujhsa koi nahein

mustafa mujtaba teri madda-o-sana
mere bas main nahai dastaras main nahein

dil ko himmat nahein lab ko yara nahein
tujhsa koi nahein tujhsa koi nahein

dastay qudrat ne easa banaya tujhey
jumla osaf se khud sajaya tujhey

Ae azal k haseen Ae abad k haseen
dhondti h tujhe meri jan e hazeen

tera sika rawan kal jahan main hoa
es zamin main hoa asman main hoa

kia arab kia ajam sub hain zere nageen
tuba tuba nahein koi tujhsa nahein

Ae Rasool e Ameen khatamul morsaleen,
tujhsa koi nahein tujhsa koi nahein

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